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Parks & Recreation 3.1.2010 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of March 1, 2010

Committee Members: Lauren McMullen (LM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Billie Luker (BL), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff:  Lynne, Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Mike Prisco (MP)
7:03pm Quorum, meeting called to order Lauren McMullen

Acceptance of Minutes for 2/17/10 meeting
(MP) Mike Prisco made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on February 17, 2010 as is.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved:  5            Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed                                           
New Business
Bob Bigelow
Attendance by employees
Lauren McMullen stated that employees are not required to attend. Committee members should be there by 6pm.
Vendor Layout
Marty will be in charge of all sports league layout. Marty will take supplies to the High School and set up tables.
Billie Luker informed the Committee that he will be meeting with Bob Bigelow before the event on Thursday night. Also mention that Bob will have his books for us to sell the committee agreed to sell them for $10 each which is Bob’s price.  

Old Business
Operations Director (MS)
Illegal and Inappropriate behavior statement
Counsel advises that the committee can not impose punishment on public for illegal and inappropriate behavior.  Counsel suggests to go to town meeting as try to form a by law if that is the route the Committee would like to take.
(LM) Lauren feels that enforcing park rules and regulations and the law should be handled by the local police.
(RM) Rita informed the committee that the police asked for the Committee to create a policy that they can uphold. Rita would like to know if there is a policy we can create and put in writing.  She will contact her during work hours to work on and confer with the Attorney Generals office.

Dept Budget Presentation w/ Selectmen
Maureen informed the Committee that the Parks & Recreation budget will be presented at 9pm on Monday night 3/8/10 Selectmen meeting.  She is asking which committee members will be there. MT, LC and BL responded they will attend.

Page 2-Old Business Continued

Open Meeting law change
On 7/1/2010 the New Open meeting laws will come into affect. Just a few points are : 48 Hour meeting notification must be posted on Thursday for the following Monday night meeting, Agenda must be posted 48 hours prior to a meeting and must be sent out to the committee by Thursday before a meeting, If an item is to be discussed it must be present on the Agenda or specified under Other Business. MS will forward documentation on new laws.

Town Meeting dates 4/5 &6/7
April 5th town meeting will be all warrants other than the budget.  June 7th Town meeting will be for the budget.

Parks Director (MT)
Park Steel Plates
Marty has researched prices for new steel plates for the bridge for the back entrance into IRP.  The plates that are there now are borrowed and he has to return them. Estimated cost is approximately $1300 for a 8’ x 13’ and $1500 for a 8’ x 13’ steel plate.

Banner Advertisement for Turf Field
Marty had Al from Advanced Photo set up a proto type of the banners at the turf field and photo them to show how they would look and measure out. The banners can not be more than 3’ x 6’(16 square feet) They would be hung in front of the bleachers.  About 40 banners could fit in that area. The gentleman quotes Marty about $100 each to make the banners.
The Superintendent would like a letter from town counsel with their opinion on whether we can hang advertisement banners at the Turf Field.

Recreation Director (LC)
Job Opening-Summerscape Director
Lynne informed the committee that the Summerscape Program should be located back at the Middle School this coming summer, but she does not have a confirmation on it yet. She met with Dr. Manville and said he was very flexible and supportive.  Also, state the Academic Program Coordinator is also supportive of the Summerscape program being at the Middle School. Dr. Manville said that he will research and try to work out the schedule so that the program can run longer this coming summer.
Meg Correll, Summerscape Director, will not be returning this year to the program. Lynne spoke with Dr. Manville to seek his help and insight on finding a new director. Dr. Manville said he would help get the word out.
Most of the previous counselors will be returning this year to the program; except for Ryan Hillard and Josh Kelley.

Other Business
Wine and Food Social (SS)
Sheila updated the committee on the progress of the Wine and Food. She asked if they need a Purchase order for the wine glasses and the response was no.
The Committee made a unanimous decision to comp four wine and food tickets, two tickets to Janet and Ed Nicosia and two to Brian and Katie McDonald.

Next meeting date will be 3/15/10

(SC)   a motion was made by Sergio Coviello for the Committee to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm.
(MF)    Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
        Accepted:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.